Out of The Maze




Worldwide Freelance Writer
heather - 19:40

Affirmations software - Sculptor New-age motivational, goal setting software - This might be going too far.
heather - 18:36

MyBizOffice - Might be worth a look...

Ok, so now I have 4 days to go and it's time to get busy. I am almost through the maze. Time to set some goals, investigate freelance opportunities, and more or less think about what's next...
heather - 18:34


Non-profit Web Resources - Intranet and calendaring tools

How is it possible that I have been able to quit my job and already, before my last day in corporate america, have found a nonprofit to begin working with? Life is too cool.
heather - 19:02




The diary of a corporate IT worker finding her way out of the maze.